BTG plc is an international specialist healthcare company that is developing and commercializing products targeting critical care, cancer, and other disorders. The website is a portal for the BTG plc, product TheraSphere® which is a liver cancer therapy that consists of millions of small glass microspheres (20 to 30 micrometers in diameter) containing radioactive Y90.

The overall goal of the project was to enable users to contact the appropriate director of their selected trial.

The second goal was for the doctors to be able to log in and see all the information about the trials and fill out order forms.

The third goal was to allow users to submit new questions once logged in, and once a question was asked, to notify the admin of the site for approval before publishing.

High speed – Discover IT had to take the existing system and redevelop it so it could run at high speeds to ensure snakebite victim visitors received the information they needed fast.

Mobile friendliness – Ensuring the entire site was mobile friendly meant lots of time and effort went into this aspect of the project.

Relevant order forms – There are 3 different trials to choose from, so when a doctor logged in and visited the ordering section, it was important that the correct order form was displayed.

To enable mobile friendliness, Discover IT chose to use the Bootstrap framework in site development. Bootstrap is a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive projects for devices of all shapes and projects of all sizes.

To ensure correct order form display, Discover IT extended the user table in the database to have a custom field asking which order form the doctor wanted.